Welcome to our website! 🙂
My name is Bożena. I come from a small town located just a few kilometers from Gniezno, the first capital of Poland. I am the mother of two daughters. My eldest is 11 years old at the time of writing this, and my youngest just turned 2.
Since childhood, I have been fascinated by creating interior decorations for my one and only doll at the time. Of course, I made them from cardboard and various boxes. My dollhouse was actually a wardrobe from which I took out my late grandmother’s clothes. Fortunately, she eventually accepted the situation. And that’s how I became the owner of a huge room waiting to be furnished!
I taught myself the basics of sewing and crocheting, and thanks to that, I was able to make additional outfits for my doll.
Ah, those were the days! 🙂
As the years went by…
My next adventure with making doll furniture began about 6 years ago, now as an adult.
The designs you see today originated during that period.
However, they only came to light a year later.
Unfortunately, my full-time job took up most of my day, and my daughter had just started first grade at primary school (forced to do so as a 6-year-old). This brought additional responsibilities. She struggled a lot with concentration, and six months later, we found out that she has ADHD with attention deficit. As a result, the overwhelming number of duties forced me to abandon my dreams of creating doll furniture 🙁
But now, it’s time to start over! 🙂
I’ve decided to pursue those dreams again, step by step, slowly but surely.
At the moment, I’m on parental leave, and I’ve also taken on some freelance work, which helps me invest in new tools and machines needed to create more refined furniture pieces.
Recently, I’ve fallen in love with the Barbie Fashionistas “Curvy” dolls. They are so different from the skinny ones I grew up with. I’ve decided to expand my modest collection to include these dolls, which will be my models for photo sessions on the blog. I’m also intrigued by other doll models, so who knows what the future holds…
I hope that as you read my blog in the future, you’ll be understanding.
This is my first time building a website, writing a blog, and setting up an online store. I enjoy being a “Do-it-yourself” type of person who doesn’t like to rely on others unless it’s absolutely necessary. As a result, this website will likely undergo many improvements.
So, any suggestions and feedback are greatly appreciated! 🙂
I can’t promise that blog posts will appear regularly. My family comes first, so everything will depend on how much free time I have. I hope you can forgive me for that 🙂
Here’s my beloved family! 🙂
Now, I’d like to introduce you to my dear family. This photo was taken a year ago, but it’s one of the few where we are all together. As soon as we manage to take another family picture, I’ll update this one or add a new one.
Wrocław, summer of 2018.
I encourage you to check out my blog, where I hope to post my first entry soon 🙂
Also, feel free to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
If you have any questions or would like to place a bulk order, please contact me via email to discuss the details: kosbo12@wp.pl.
If you’ve made it to the end of this text, thank you so much for your time!
It was a pleasure to have you here, and I invite you to visit us more often 😉